Friday, September 28, 2012

20 Week Ultrasound

I FINALLY had my 20 week ultrasound. As all of you pregnant ladies know, the 20 week scan is the most exciting thing about pregnancy, besides the birth of course. You get to find out how the little bean is doing in there and you get to find out the gender. Finding out the gender is much anticipated because that means one thing... you can start shopping!

Anyway, going into my ultrasound I was pretty sure I was baking a girl. This pregnancy was so different than my other two, I wasn't sick very much and the heart rate was much higher than it was with my boys. Of course, I bought into the whole "a higher heart rate means you're having a girl" old wives tale. I mean, why not?

So here we were at the ultrasound appointment. We were chatting with the tech about how much we thought this would be a girl because what are the odds of having 3 kids in a row with the same gender. She puts the probe on my belly and BAM, it was the money shot. Boy all the way. We couldn't debate it if we wanted to. I seen my only hope of some extra estrogen in the house fly right out the window. I have to admit, I was a tad disappointed. I knew this was our last child and I knew I'd never get the mother-daughter bond I longed for.

However, my disappointment didn't last long when I looked over at my husband and seen him grinning like it was our first child. He was so happy. I quickly began to realize, I will be the queen of the house. I will get to watch my 3 sons be best friends. I will get to see them compete, fight and watch out for each other. Once they get teenagers, it may cost me hundreds of dollars to feed them each month, but I wouldn't trade that for the world.



No matter where we go or what we do, we run into people with opinions. The majority of the time, we respectfully listen to their opinion, state our point of view and move on. However, there are always a select few who think their opinions are laws; their opinion is the only right answer. It may just be me, but I seem to run into these types of people more when I'm pregnant. The fact is, I value your opinion but I don't need you to downgrade mine because you think it's wrong. For example, I don't care whether or not you circumcise your child, it's none of my business. I understand that people are passionate about different things but that doesn't mean my opinions are wrong.

It's hard to know how to respond to these types of people because a lot of the time they are a close family member or friend. In such a case, we would have to determine the appropriate way to respond based on the situation. All in all, if people would be respectful of all opinions, no matter if they are different from their own or not, we would all be happy.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Who is BarbieCrocker?

Time and time again I hear mothers say they don't have time to take care of themselves, don't keep up with their wardrobe, keep their hair in ponytails, etc. I was once of those mothers but I believe every women deserves to be as beautiful as she was before she had kids. When you feel good about yourself, your confidence rises and you are happier overall. Women love to feel beautiful, it's in our nature.

Once I started having kids, I was determined to get my baby weight off and feel pretty again. It took a few months of working out and eating right but I got my weight back on track. I started buying clothes and shoes that were part of my "pre-pregnancy style" and I was off to the salon to get my hair back to looking human again. There I was, armed with a new wardrobe, a new hair style and a plentiful amount of confidence. Now what?

I started off slow. I never felt like waking up early enough to get ready in the mornings because, after all, I was a new mom and needed as much sleep as possible. I felt like I had wasted all the time and energy I spent on "renewing" myself. That was until I seen a talk show segment on new mom make-overs. They were essentially telling everyone what I was already telling myself, I just had to do it. I was halfway there!

That gave me the motivation to start my new journey. I began to wake up a few minutes earlier, and although I was tired at first, I pushed through. I started to fix my hair, put on a little makeup and put together a stylish outfit, and even though I was tired at first, I felt GREAT about myself. I was ME again. That's how my alter ego "BarbieCrocker" came into play. I decided I was going to dress myself up every day, wear heels if i wanted to, but still cook, clean and maintain my household and be a good mom.

When I started my new job as a Paralegal, I had several women ask me how I managed to look so "put together" every morning despite having kids. I shared my story with them and a few of them actually took my advice. Just because we are moms, we don't have to walk around in XXL t-shirts, sweats and flip flops. We can look just as good as a women without kids, maybe even better. All it takes is a little time and motivation and any regular mom can turn herself into a BarbieCrocker.


Tips for a Work at Home Resume

We all know how important our resume is to our job search. The resume is where you get to sell yourself to potential employers and if it's not up to par, you won't have any luck finding work. Some of the smallest things will have a resume thrown out before it is even looked at, for example, typos or spelling errors. So, check it and check it again.

When you're looking for work to do from home, you need to update your resume to reflect that. So most importantly, FORM your resume to the job you are applying for. If you are applying for a work at home position, and have had experience working from home, make sure that is obvious in your resume. If you already have office equipment: computer, telephone, fax, quiet home office, scanner, etc. be sure to mention that as well.

Also, don't be afraid to include examples of your work. Including a portfolio of your work sets you apart from the rest; it makes your application stand out. It allows the potential employer to see actual projects you have worked on rather than just reading a basic resume that includes your abilites and experience. More likely than not, you will never meet your employer face to face, so for them to see parts of your work is a HUGE advantage for you.

Last but not least, make sure to include a summary of your skills that will appeal to work at home employers. Try and mold you skills around some of the following points:

- You're able to work independently with minimal supervision
- You can quickly and effectively communicate issues that arise
- You can meet deadlines
- You are goal oriented

And, before sending your resume off, make sure to proofread it! You don't want to spend hours on a resume just to have it kicked out for something silly!


Monday, September 10, 2012

Networking via Linkedin

If you're anything like me then when you heard about Linkedin you never really gave it a second thought. Another social media site, so what. In fact, I thought this for years. Boy was I wrong. When starting an online business you begin to try and find ways to market your business for free. Well, when I began my Virtual Assistant business I thought it would be a cake walk. With all the benefits of a Virtual Assistant, I figured I'd have potential clients knocking down my door. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Even with a broad network of business owners, I still had no way of getting new clients.

I began to research free marketing tools online. I came across a few sites that appeared to be free and, of course, weren't. I felt like giving up. I was talking to my friend about how I thought my business was going to be a flop because I couldn't figure out a way to network myself online. She asked me if I had a Linkedin account. I had, what I would call, a shell of an account. Basically, it included my name and where I went to school. Big whoop.

That night, I decided to get online and update my account profile. After an hour or two, I was satisfied with my online resume and began searching for people I used to work with...

Fast forward a couple weeks, and I had almost 100 connections which included old coworkers, bosses and friends. Each day, I would sign on and post a status related to my business. I was essentially planting the seed in my prospective clients. It took a couple months but, low and behold, I got my first client!


Back to School

This year is a little harder than most for me since BOTH of my kids have started school. My youngest has started Preschool and my oldest has started Kindergarten. Even though the beginning of the school year has been rough, it does allow me more time to get things done. It's only been 3 weeks but, so far, I've fit in more work time, housework and naps (it's impossible to be alone during the day while being pregnant and not take a nap, it's pregnancy law). So for those of you that have school age children, make sure to get your free time in now. It won't be long before it's summer again, the kids are terrorizing the house and we are all praying for school to hurry up and start. Enjoy your ME time while you have it! -BC

My Life as a Virtual Assistant

If you are looking for a good career that offers the flexibility to work at home and the ability to work for yourself, then I suggest looking into becoming a Virtual Assistant. Being a Virtual Assistant is much like being an Office Assistant EXCEPT you set your own pay rates, hours and you get to pick who you work for. The only downside I experienced at first was trying to build my own client base. Once you get your first few clients, word of mouth will be key. Keep your clients happy and they will recommend family, friends and coworkers.

When pitching your business to potential clients be sure to let them know of the BENEFITS of hiring a Virtual Assistant. You want clients to know how you can help them. Some of my selling points are:

- You only pay the VA for the time spent on a project.
- You pay a VA for 100% productive work, no down time.
- There are no expenses for medical, dental or vision benefits, 401k, or retirement plans.
- The VA is self-employed which eliminates the responsibility of taxes and insurances associated with having employees.
- No extra costs of equipment, supplies or training.
- You can hire your VA as needed.
- A VA has extended office hours.
- There are no overhead costs.

Plus, another benefit to you is, there are essentially little to no startup costs for your business. All you really need to get started is a computer. So, put yourself out there and get started!


Pregnancy Living

Oh, pregnancy. We either love it or we hate it. Some women say they have the best experience while pregnant. Me on the other hand… forget it. The little baby kicks and bonding with the baby before birth is great but what about when you’re puking day in and day out, the weight gain, and the keen sense of smell that allows you to detect someone’s breath from 15 feet away? I don’t like to be a Negative Nancy but geesh I’m ready for the baby to be here already! I read that elephants are pregnant for 2 years! I mean, could you even imagine that? Although, once your little bundle of joy finally makes his or her appearance all the crappy symptoms fly right out the window and we are ready to do it all over again. Now that I’m announcing that this is my last little bundle, it’s bitter sweet. There’s no greater feeling than knowing you birthed a child.


Work at Home Moms

Most moms dream of becoming stay at home moms so that they can care for their kids. However, sometimes it's not as easy as just quitting your job and sleeping in. Unfortunately, for most women, staying at home is not even a reality... or so they think. BUT, if women supplement their income by working from home, then this dream of staying home, comes into focus. There are many online opportunities that are waiting to be found.

At first glance, all the online "companies" seem like scams; dont get me wrong, MANY of them are. The trick is to weeding out the bad seeds and it is easier than you might think. First, you need to decide whether you want to run your own home business or work for a company. If you want to run your own business, there are many companies out there that offer home business kits to get you started: Avon, Mary Kay, Ameriplan, Premier Jewelry, just to name a few. Home business require a lot of work to build your client base and to start earning incoming but if you're willing to work at it, you can earn some decent income. If a home business isn't right for you, then you need to look for companies that hire remote employees. Start by doing a Google search of work at home forums and websites. These are your best bet for finding legitimate companies and they also offer personal advice and experiences that can help guide you in the right direction.

Once you have a list of companies that will hire remote workers, APPLY, APPLY, APPLY. The best thing you can do is apply to tons of jobs every day. There are hundreds of companies that offer remote work. If you get declined from one company, do not get discouraged. The worst thing you can do is give up. Before I found a company, I had interview after interview with no luck. It took about 7 or 8 months for me to find the right position to suit my needs. So get out there and start applying!