Friday, September 28, 2012


No matter where we go or what we do, we run into people with opinions. The majority of the time, we respectfully listen to their opinion, state our point of view and move on. However, there are always a select few who think their opinions are laws; their opinion is the only right answer. It may just be me, but I seem to run into these types of people more when I'm pregnant. The fact is, I value your opinion but I don't need you to downgrade mine because you think it's wrong. For example, I don't care whether or not you circumcise your child, it's none of my business. I understand that people are passionate about different things but that doesn't mean my opinions are wrong.

It's hard to know how to respond to these types of people because a lot of the time they are a close family member or friend. In such a case, we would have to determine the appropriate way to respond based on the situation. All in all, if people would be respectful of all opinions, no matter if they are different from their own or not, we would all be happy.


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