Friday, September 28, 2012

20 Week Ultrasound

I FINALLY had my 20 week ultrasound. As all of you pregnant ladies know, the 20 week scan is the most exciting thing about pregnancy, besides the birth of course. You get to find out how the little bean is doing in there and you get to find out the gender. Finding out the gender is much anticipated because that means one thing... you can start shopping!

Anyway, going into my ultrasound I was pretty sure I was baking a girl. This pregnancy was so different than my other two, I wasn't sick very much and the heart rate was much higher than it was with my boys. Of course, I bought into the whole "a higher heart rate means you're having a girl" old wives tale. I mean, why not?

So here we were at the ultrasound appointment. We were chatting with the tech about how much we thought this would be a girl because what are the odds of having 3 kids in a row with the same gender. She puts the probe on my belly and BAM, it was the money shot. Boy all the way. We couldn't debate it if we wanted to. I seen my only hope of some extra estrogen in the house fly right out the window. I have to admit, I was a tad disappointed. I knew this was our last child and I knew I'd never get the mother-daughter bond I longed for.

However, my disappointment didn't last long when I looked over at my husband and seen him grinning like it was our first child. He was so happy. I quickly began to realize, I will be the queen of the house. I will get to watch my 3 sons be best friends. I will get to see them compete, fight and watch out for each other. Once they get teenagers, it may cost me hundreds of dollars to feed them each month, but I wouldn't trade that for the world.


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