Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Who is BarbieCrocker?

Time and time again I hear mothers say they don't have time to take care of themselves, don't keep up with their wardrobe, keep their hair in ponytails, etc. I was once of those mothers but I believe every women deserves to be as beautiful as she was before she had kids. When you feel good about yourself, your confidence rises and you are happier overall. Women love to feel beautiful, it's in our nature.

Once I started having kids, I was determined to get my baby weight off and feel pretty again. It took a few months of working out and eating right but I got my weight back on track. I started buying clothes and shoes that were part of my "pre-pregnancy style" and I was off to the salon to get my hair back to looking human again. There I was, armed with a new wardrobe, a new hair style and a plentiful amount of confidence. Now what?

I started off slow. I never felt like waking up early enough to get ready in the mornings because, after all, I was a new mom and needed as much sleep as possible. I felt like I had wasted all the time and energy I spent on "renewing" myself. That was until I seen a talk show segment on new mom make-overs. They were essentially telling everyone what I was already telling myself, I just had to do it. I was halfway there!

That gave me the motivation to start my new journey. I began to wake up a few minutes earlier, and although I was tired at first, I pushed through. I started to fix my hair, put on a little makeup and put together a stylish outfit, and even though I was tired at first, I felt GREAT about myself. I was ME again. That's how my alter ego "BarbieCrocker" came into play. I decided I was going to dress myself up every day, wear heels if i wanted to, but still cook, clean and maintain my household and be a good mom.

When I started my new job as a Paralegal, I had several women ask me how I managed to look so "put together" every morning despite having kids. I shared my story with them and a few of them actually took my advice. Just because we are moms, we don't have to walk around in XXL t-shirts, sweats and flip flops. We can look just as good as a women without kids, maybe even better. All it takes is a little time and motivation and any regular mom can turn herself into a BarbieCrocker.


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