Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tips for a Work at Home Resume

We all know how important our resume is to our job search. The resume is where you get to sell yourself to potential employers and if it's not up to par, you won't have any luck finding work. Some of the smallest things will have a resume thrown out before it is even looked at, for example, typos or spelling errors. So, check it and check it again.

When you're looking for work to do from home, you need to update your resume to reflect that. So most importantly, FORM your resume to the job you are applying for. If you are applying for a work at home position, and have had experience working from home, make sure that is obvious in your resume. If you already have office equipment: computer, telephone, fax, quiet home office, scanner, etc. be sure to mention that as well.

Also, don't be afraid to include examples of your work. Including a portfolio of your work sets you apart from the rest; it makes your application stand out. It allows the potential employer to see actual projects you have worked on rather than just reading a basic resume that includes your abilites and experience. More likely than not, you will never meet your employer face to face, so for them to see parts of your work is a HUGE advantage for you.

Last but not least, make sure to include a summary of your skills that will appeal to work at home employers. Try and mold you skills around some of the following points:

- You're able to work independently with minimal supervision
- You can quickly and effectively communicate issues that arise
- You can meet deadlines
- You are goal oriented

And, before sending your resume off, make sure to proofread it! You don't want to spend hours on a resume just to have it kicked out for something silly!


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